Joseph Bruner, A Year of Freedom

Think about what you were doing and where you were in 2007. Now, imagine not having a full year of freedom between now and then.  Until May 3, that was

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Let DEUCE coach you

Join the #HoldTheStandard mailing list. Train harder than you ever thought possible with a community you never knew existed.

Audit What’s Molding You Now

I realize in retrospect that the college and professional recruiting process as a high school baseball player was largely an ego trip. More so than any specific desire, it felt

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Cardio is a Drug, Drink Responsibly

It’s a hell of a drug. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter hormone that is nicknamed the “happy hormone” because it’s associated with positive feelings. You get it when you shop, eat

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Congratulations, Speedy! Here’s Your Next Assignment

For my parents’ generation, the 1990s and early 2000s came with a big learning curve. It said, “Keep up!” The rise of the personal computer and, subsequently, the internet meant

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A Rare Glimpse at the End of the Rainbow

An out of town business owner who read my book years ago was in LA and asked to buy me a coffee. He had a profound impact from following along

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